情节:科林(詹米·多南 Jamie Dornan 饰)是一名野心勃勃的金融家,一心希望腰缠万贯的迪拜酋长谢赫(奥马尔·本·哈依德 Omar Bin Haider 饰)能够成为自己的客户。谢赫希望得到一只名为小白头的赛鸽,然而,赛鸽的主人乔斯(简·德克莱尔 Jan Decleir 饰)早已经将小白头当成了自己的家人,绝对不可能因为金钱将小白头出卖。 科林决定代替谢赫出面,帮他拿下小白头。他隐姓埋名假扮成一名高中老师来到了乔斯所在的小镇上,通过捏造的过去不断的接近这乔斯和他的孙女伊莎贝尔(Charlotte De Bruyne 饰),在此过程中,善良开朗的伊莎贝尔渐渐吸引了科林的注意,令他坠入了情网。
情节:A 300-year-old lesbian vampire and her lover stay at a posh European resort. They seduce a sadistic husband and his beautiful wife. The husband is soon found dead, and his wife joins the two vampires.
情节:'Would you dare to jump if there were water?', insecure teenager Alexander asks the boy he admires, who stands on a diving board in the middle of the beach. Cautiously dancing, they approach each other.