• 电影斩、

    出演:苍井优 池松壮亮 冢本晋也 中村达也 


    情节:Set during the tumultuous mid-19th century Edo period of Japan, Killing is the story of a masterless samurai or ronin named Ikematsu Sosuke. As the prevalent peace and tranquility are sure ...                    See full summary »

  • 连续剧毒岛百合子的赤裸裸日记

    出演:前田敦子 渡边大知 新井浩文 前田公辉 山崎银之丞 中村静香 清原果耶 片冈鹤太郎 近藤芳正 桥爪淳 

    导演:村尾嘉昭 坪井敏雄 

    情节:"Busujima Yuriko no Sekirara Nikki" is a late-night drama, starring Atsuko Maeda (former member from AKB48), which is one of the most provocative roles of her career by interpreting Yuriko ...                    See full summary »

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    出演:大仓孝二 井浦新 饭尾和树 神尾枫珠 吹越满 布施绘里 岩永洋昭 柳忧怜 北村有起哉 大谷亮介 山口纱弥加 洼田正孝 伊武雅刀 大石吾朗 药师丸博子 松重丰 村井国夫 押田岳 稻垣来泉 音月桂 阿部亮平 铃木裕树 萤雪次朗 福士诚治 菅野莉央 温水洋一 龙星凉 大塚弘太 Kai Ogasawara 森高爱 市川实日子 长野里美 泉泽祐希 石原里美 一之濑亘 户田菜穗 涉江让二 桥本真实 五十岚信次郎 野添义弘 斋藤洋介 望月步 竹财辉之助 木场胜己 池田铁洋 石野阳子 今进隆文 森谷文 尾上宽之 瑛莲 清 

    导演:冢原亚由子 竹村谦太郎 村尾嘉昭 

    情节:Stories of Unnatural Death Investigation, a Japanese non-governmental organization.

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    出演:绫濑遥 佐藤隆太 堺雅人 绪形直人 芦田爱菜 香川照之 大野丝 山本裕典 吉泽悠 中原丈雄 木村多江 井上瑞稀 仲间由纪惠 木村拓哉 平山浩行 川村阳介 东根作寿英 黑部进 柴田恭兵 加藤贵子 樱 


    情节:A drama commemorating TBS's 60th anniversary, the story is about 11 members who were sent to the South Pole for the first time in February 1957 in a national project to explore Antartica. ...                    See full summary »

  • 全8集


    出演:桥本爱 夏子 大塚明夫 石桥静河 麻生久美子 渡边大知 余贵美子 松本若菜 菅田将晖 KOM·I 坂间大介 佐藤贡三 山田孝之 野田洋次郎 仁村纱和 中田青渚 柴崎幸 佐藤直子 朝比奈秀树 

    导演:泷本智行 常广丈太 

    情节:Freelance programmer Sakagami Keishi is paralyzed in the lower half of his body because of an unknown illness and confined to a wheelchair. He sets up a company called dele.LIFE in ...                    See full summary »

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    出演:三浦友和 贺来贤人 美保纯 原日出子 财前直见 洼田正孝 光石研 山田裕贵 山中崇 若山耀人 山田明乡 茂吕师冈 德井义实 荣仓奈奈 山本未来 小西真奈美 小出惠介 叶山奖之 织本顺吉 柴本幸 伊藤裕子 梨木麻衣 中越典子 樱井圣 渡边宪吉 练苧弘晃 

    导演:冢原亚由子 山本刚义 阿南昭宏 

    情节:University students Sugishita Nozomi, Naruse Shinji, Ando Nozomi and Nishizaki Masato end up coming upon the scene of the murder of the Noguchi couple, because of a plan they had devised. ...                    See full summary »

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    出演:神尾枫珠 北村一辉 坂口健太郎 甲本雅裕 渡部笃郎 木村佑一 池田铁洋 吉濑美智子 小须田康人 青野枫 

    导演:铃木浩介 内片辉 

    情节:Two detectives communicate through a walkie-talkie to solve cold cases. One detective exists in the present day and the other detective exists 15 years in the past.

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    出演:江口德子 平岩纸 吹越满 桐山涟 多部未华子 贝基 韩英惠 山中崇 伊藤沙莉 绪方义博 茂吕师冈 藤原纪香 片濑那奈 角田晃广 高桥洋 须藤理彩 松井爱莉 平山浩行 黑坂真美 伊藤麻实子 桥本淳 中野刚 真鱼 内藤心希 重冈大毅 杉浦大毅 小松和重 阿部翔平 森田望智 住田隆 长滨之人 

    导演:中岛悟 长滨之人 

    情节:Sanako Moriwaka is single and works in the accounting department of a soap company. For her job, she checks receipts and bills. Each slip that she reviews, mentions only the dollar amount ...                    See full summary »

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    出演:浅见姬香 广濑智纪 冈山一 石田光 上村依子 及川光博 内田理央 冈田将生 入山法子 山田明乡 新垣结衣 有冈大贵 要润 远山俊也 相岛一之 映美藏良 上野夏妃 雾岛丽香 森冈丰 冈村优 蕨野友也 堀井新太 小松利昌 神保悟志 三宅弘城 恩田括 中越典子 手岛优 工藤俊作 高桥亚由美 高木星来 吉田沙保里 笃海 渡边舞 


    情节:Kyoko Okitegami is a private detective. She is known as the Forgetful Private Detective. When she wakes up in the morning, her memory is reset. Due to this, she rigidly adheres to a ...                    See full summary »

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    出演:江口德子 优希美青 今野浩喜 真岛秀和 白洲迅 安藤美优 矢野圣人 古川雄辉 沟口琢矢 户次重幸 吉谷彩子 黑谷友香 内川莲生 柿原玲佳 城桧吏 


    情节:After finding his mom killed, Satoru's time-traveling ability takes him back 18 years for a chance to prevent her death and those of three classmates.

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    出演:柄本佑 庵原匠悟 塚本高史 末永美优 西铭骏 板野友美 藤真利子 饭沼千惠子 江成一树 小岛瑠璃子 


    情节:Add a Plot »

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    出演:千叶雄大 田中圭 香取慎吾 荒川良良 风吹淳 西田敏行 小西吻 川口春奈 中村安奈 森本治行 上野树里 观月亚理莎 我妻三轮子 水原希子 奥田达士 水野美纪 柳原可奈子 高田彪我 

    导演:平野俊一 酒井圣博 松田礼人 

    情节:Nagasato Daisuke is a 39-year old bachelor with an extremely negative attitude towards marriage. However, he truly believes that he'd "rather be alone." Averse to taking the risk of ...                    See full summary »

  • 全3集


    出演:炎亚纶 井浦新 邵雨薇 林美秀 大东骏介 波瑠 梁正群 寺胁康文 杨烈 岩本多代 高桥长英 草刈麻有 许光汉 


    情节:Japan's bullet trains are given the go-ahead for deployment in Taiwan at the turn of the century. Haruka who works at a Japanese conglomerate is sent to Taiwan on an assignment. It is not ...                    See full summary »

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    出演:土屋太凤 阿部宽 立川谈春 安田显 和田聪宏 今野浩喜 山崎育三郎 成河 中村伦也 朝仓亚纪 新井浩文 春风亭升太 佐野岳 吉川晃司 竹内凉真 木下邦家 户次重幸 阿部进之介 小泉孝太郎 倍赏美津子 中本贤 真矢美纪 阿藤快 高岛彩 池畑慎之介 今田耕司 桥本哲 杉良太郎 权藤葵 

    导演:福泽克雄 田中健太 棚泽孝义 

    情节:Tsukuda Kohei was once a researcher with the Aerospace and Science Exploration Agency and now runs Tsukuda Industries, a small factory which was left by his father. Although his ...                    See full summary »

  • 全6集


    出演:芳根京子 妻夫木聪 竹内结子 佐津川爱美 原日出子 池内博之 友坂理惠 余贵美子 新井浩文 石桥莲司 山中崇 长谷川京子 芦名星 田口浩正 清原果耶 远藤健慎 池田朱那 


    情节:Shinichi Sasaki looks at his childhood friend Yukino Tanaka in court, who is sentenced to death. She went to her ex-boyfriend's apartment and caused his wife and child to burn to death. ...                    See full summary »

  • 全12集


    出演:高桥李依 长岛雄一 德本英一郎 绵贯龙之介 水濑祈 佐藤聪美 种崎敦美 木村珠莉 柳田淳一 石谷春贵 相马康一 手冢弘道 久野美咲 佐藤元 西明日香 麻仓桃 小泽亚李 内匠靖明 玄田哲章 夏川椎菜 赤尾光 

    导演:古川博之 松本佳久 信田祐 村田尚树 山本天志 牧野友映 小森香织 滨崎彻 

    情节:A party of adventures attempt to defeat a demon lord. They fail, accidentally sending her back in time. The demon lord decides to go to the adventurer school where these four girls trained, and become their teacher.

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    出演:小林优 松冈祯丞 高森奈津美 津田美波 竹达彩奈 佐藤聪美 逢坂良太 川原庆久 相泽舞 

    导演:吉川浩司 布施康之 安藤贵史 玉田博 上原秀明 佐藤昌文 松田清 

    情节:A young and shy boy named Umio, started to work for a comic book store. All his other friends already work there, and they get into some new trouble every week.

  • 全13集

    动漫发条精灵战记 天镜的极北之星

    出演:市道真央 樫井笙人 绵贯龙之介 野濑育二 水濑祈 冈本信彦 柳田淳一 山本兼平 石谷春贵 相马康一 手冢弘道 石冢运升 菅原慎介 山本格 种田梨沙 千菅春香 松本忍 间岛淳司 水中雅章 金本凉辅 

    导演:市村彻夫 山口美浩 熨斗谷充孝 松村政辉 八田洋介 薮田修平 Furukawa Tomohiro 

    情节:The mighty Katjvarna Empire is currently embroiled in a war with the neighboring Kiorka Republic. Within an unspecified corner of this empire, a certain young man was reluctantly preparing ...                    See full summary »

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    出演:兴津和幸 田村睦心 市道真央 樱井孝宏 小野大辅 石田彰 石川由依 小山力也 中村悠一 远藤绫 福岛润 长绳麻理亚 能登麻美子 安田陆矢 花泽香菜 吉野裕行 行成桃姬 鸟海浩辅 川澄绫子 早见沙织 滨野大辉 小市真琴 杉田智和 冈本信彦 小松未可子 村中知 木村珠莉 柳田淳一 江越彬纪 前野智昭 坂泰斗 铃木崚汰 井上喜久子 中原麻衣 乃村健次 千叶翔也 佐藤元 诹访彩花 天崎滉平 日野聪 山本格 竹内良太 松风雅也 近藤孝行 佐藤健辅 福西胜也 小林千晃 北泽力 东内真理子 石见舞菜香 熊谷健太郎 田中 

    导演:大脊户聪 江副仁美 铃木健一 佐佐木纯人 青柳宏宜 朝木幸彦 清丸悟 吉川志我津 

    情节:The human body consists of approximately 37 trillion cells. These cells are hard at work every day within a world that is your body. From the oxygen carrying Red Blood Cells to the bacteria...                    See full summary »

  • 全49集


    出演:清川元梦 子安武人 麦人 山崎和佳奈 松井菜樱子 飞田展男 大塚芳忠 山口胜平 关智一 有本钦隆 山崎巧 天野由梨 久川绫 菊池正美 青森伸 柴本浩行 菅原淳一 桥本晃一 菅原正志 二又一成 冬马由美 龙田直树 稻叶实 玄田哲章 水谷优子 宇垣秀成 青野武 津久井教生 秋元羊介 中田和宏 松本大 石森达幸 松尾银三 荒木香惠 堀秀行 横尾麻里 佐佐木留恩 龟井三郎 冈和男 日高奈留美 

    导演:谷口悟朗 吉本毅 森邦宏 武井良幸 佐藤育郎 今川泰宏 河本升悟 

    情节:在未来世纪(Future Century,F.C.)由于地球严重被污染,人类移往宇宙殖民星,建立了新中国、新日本、新美国等殖民星国。各国在地球虽然还存有领土,但已受到严重的忽视。为了避免战争,各国决...

  • 1.0


    出演:大幡诗绘理 押田岳 户谷公人 绀野彩夏 板垣李光人 奥野壮 渡边圭祐 


    情节:In an alternative timeline of 2018, a group of high school students is pursuing their dreams. Sougo Tokiwa wants to become a king, and Keito Myokoin wants to become the judo champion while trying to impress his crush, Alpina Tsukuyomi.

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    出演:佐仓绫音 松冈祯丞 铃木绘理 大西沙织 日笠阳子 加隈亚衣 木村珠莉 古川慎 河西健吾 斧笃 中原麻衣 嘉数由美 樱井浩美 石上静香 诹访彩花 木户衣吹 山本格 西明日香 田中真奈美 麻仓桃 桥本千波 野村真悠华 优木加奈 夏川椎菜 

    导演:柳泽哲也 浅见松雄 日下直义 南康宏 又野弘道 长滨亘彦 吉田俊司 野亦则行 南川达马 久保太郎 

    情节:In a world where spirits exist and only pure maidens have the privilege of contracting with the spirits maidens from noble families gather at Areishia Spirit Academy where they are trained ...                    See full summary »

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    出演:子安武人 松井菜樱子 大塚明夫 绿川光 矢岛晶子 置鲇龙太郎 折笠爱 千叶一伸 关俊彦 冬马由美 稻叶实 藤本让 大泷进矢 石野龙三 中原茂 中田和宏 河合义雄 横山智佐 田口昂 干本雄之 荒木香惠 加藤治 铃木沙织 纱由里 市川治 石田弘志 

    导演:高松信司 红优 吉本毅 森邦宏 渡边哲哉 池田成 青木康直 原田奈奈 

    情节:从人类开始开发宇宙开始进入A.C.(After Colony)纪年,在第一个宇宙殖民地L1完成后百年,地球统一政府对殖民地以武力实行高压统治。 在A.C.165宇宙住民对地球圈发起抗争,而在其中的调停...

  • 全12集


    出演:伊藤静 国立幸 高桥李依 丰崎爱生 樫井笙人 原纱友里 大塚明夫 山本希望 川澄绫子 东山奈央 井上麻里奈 水桥香织 花守由美里 进藤尚美 大畑伸太郎 矢野亚沙美 松田利冴 平野俊隆 

    导演:京极义昭 长滨亘彦 则座诚 矢花馨 岩崎太郎 金子伸吾 山崎雄太 小松达彦 镰仲史阳 

    情节:Nadeshiko, a high school student who had moved from Shizuoka to Yamanashi, decides to see the famous, 1000 yen-bill-featured Mount Fuji. Even though she manages to bike all the way to ...                    See full summary »

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    出演:岛崎信长 茅野爱衣 堀江由衣 户松遥 井口裕香 高森奈津美 川田绅司 田村由香里 日高里菜 石原夏织 阿澄佳奈 久川绫 野水伊织 进藤尚美 荻原秀树 大浦冬华 前田玲奈 内匠靖明 

    导演:长井龙雪 高岛大辅 铃木薰 锦织敦史 樱井亲良 樱美胜志 铃木健太郎 

    情节:Kaito Kirishima is testing out his new camera, when something comes crashing from the sky, injuring him. The next morning he wakes up fine though, believing it was a dream, however during ...                    See full summary »

  • 10.0


    出演:莲佛美沙子 井浦新 德永绘里 药师丸博子 松重丰 新垣结衣 小柳友 向井理 木村佑一 生田斗真 森实咲 大高洋夫 


    情节:Sae (Yui Aragaki) is a high school student who is studying hard for her college entrance exams. She lost her father when she was very young and so lives her mother Ryoko (Hiroko Yakushimaru...                    See full summary »

  • 4.0


    出演:大川透 三宅健太 伊藤静 林原惠美 宫村优子 高山南 山崎和佳奈 小山力也 松井菜樱子 井上和彦 山口胜平 绪方贤一 岩居由希子 高木涉 大谷育江 刘杰 谷山纪章 堀川亮 大友龙三郎 石冢运升 茶风林 大本真基子 千叶一伸 大桥望美 阪口周平 本多知惠子 广濑正志 汤屋敦子 小川真司 天田益男 大西健晴 永井一郎 池田知聪 松本大 石毛佐和 真地勇志 小山武宏 中田浩二 野田圭一 小田敏充 石井真 优木真央美 


    情节:Kid has his eyes set on the "Lady of the Sky" jewel aboard Bell 3, the largest airship in the world. However, a mysterious terrorist group called Red Shamu-neko has hijacked the airship, along with Conan and his allies Kogoro and Ran.

  • 7.0


    出演:中川大志 片冈礼子 川荣李奈 广末凉子 余贵美子 日高七海 国村隼 岩松了 伊藤沙莉 山田孝之 角田晃广 白鸟玉季 田中里念 中野翠咲 


    情节:Single father Kenichi has raised his daughter Miki alone for the past ten years, from when she attended nursery school until her graduation from elementary school. Kenichi is currently 30 ...                    See full summary »

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    出演:大桥步夕 浅沼晋太郎 Maii Kadowaki 清水爱 中村绘里子 河原木志穗 高桥智秋 吉田真弓 


    情节:Kazuma and Ayumu, two brothers, move to a rural mountain village from the city to allow for Ayumu to recover from an illness. Until their parents catch up to them they will be living at a ...                    See full summary »

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